Live Psychic Reading & Accurate Psychic

19138357binocularsWhen we go for that live psychic reading, we might ask ourselves whether we are really speaking to an accurate psychic? So many psychics tell us what they think we want to hear these days, or perhaps they just find it hard to break bad news? And of course we cannot test them during the live psychic reading itself so we have to just trust that they are an accurate psychic and go for it? But what does make an accurate psychic so spot on, why are his or her empathic skills so intriguing? Well, perhaps the amazing story of James Gilliland might be a case in point.

James Gilliland

Gilliland is a rather chubby Californian psychic/ufologist, who has built a sanctuary geared to UFO-spotting in the state of Washington, USA. He is dedicated to the awakening of humanity and introduces earth friendly healing energy techniques to the folks who frequent his ranch. Some claim his psychic skills are beyond question. Those attending his sanctuary claim that they have not only increased their metaphysical skills but have become aware of that “greater family of man – or the “Off-Worlders”. Gilliland describes the “Off Worlders” as ETs who are very concerned about the evolution of earth and the planetary disasters currently unfolding.

Gilliland, who is now a well known celebrity in spiritual circles claims, “my sanctuary is at an opening to a dimensional portal where extraterrestrial ships travel to and from Earth.” Indeed his sanctuary is evocative and inspiring being situated in glorious countryside, near the beautiful Mount Adams. It is set within a 70-acre mountain retreat also dedicated to spiritual healing.

UFO Encounter

Gilliland’s first close UFO encounter occurred whilst meditating in his front room. He claims he heard a voice in his head that he believed originated from a UFO hovering over his house. He thought he had turned crazy until, suddenly, his sister ran inside yelling to him that an UFO was actually over their house!

Gilliland says that he has “experienced close encounters with Pleiadeans, andromedans, extraterrestrials from the Orion constellation and thousands of UFOs around my sanctuary.” He also tells us that “I ended up in the golden state of bliss” when he underwent a near death experience. He reports “I returned from that experience with an inter dimensional mind, an ability to move beyond the body and the personality into the universe, as well as experiencing different time lines and future possibilities”

Some might want to reach for the creme de menthe when he recounts a face to face meeting with Pleidian ETs. He said they looked like very beautiful human beings, with refined features and that the energy exchange he experienced with them was both intense and loving. Gilliland states the ETs were worried about planet earth. They told him the consciousness of humanity needs raising and they warned us to transform the way we treat each other and start living in harmony. All their messages are beautiful and spiritual, “virtually angelic”, he insists.

Gilliland also claims” Pleidians are very technologically evolved and their mission is to serve creation. Therefore, they live without divisions or separations and see earth as part of that creation, a part that needs urgent help at this time”.

In fact, Gilliand insists that most ET’s have transcended war and only want to teach us how to live in harmony with the planet. “We have a golden opportunity to unite with these ET beings that are extremely technologically advanced, far beyond anything we can imagine!” he says.

Whether we believe in Gilliand’s claims or not, refusing to acknowledge the dire straits this planet finds itself in could be classified as foolhardy. The fact is many folks have physically visited Gilliand’s ranch to assess the truth of his claims and have had incredible UFO sightings in the area. More than a hundred people have described stunningly beautiful space ships flying in skies above their heads, sometimes in shocked and awed terms. New Age Gibberish? Maybe, but continued reports of these sightings still recount UFOs instantly materializing, only to pop out of sight in a second.

So next time you dial in to a live psychic reading and ask to speak to an accurate psychic, realize you might be talking to an ufologist, who actually communicates with ETs! An exciting prospect if ever there was one!