Loose Women Astrology

34630182shrine21st Century Goddess, A Modern Girl’s Guide to the Universe

In their Book “21st Century Goddess, A Modern Girl’s Guide to the Universe” Jessica Adams, Jelena Glisic and Anthea Paul give us a few hints about how to “get mystical!” or if you like, tune into Great Goddess energies – and we don’t need loose women astrology to do it, even though loose women astrology is very apt when it comes to predicting if transformational Pluto or dreamy Neptune are on our side!.

The trouble is the more mainstream elements of society still dread the power of the Goddess and try to define it with that “loose women astrology” analogy. You know, “witchy” ladies are “wackos” with dubious morals. But we know better and we will always enjoy tuning into that loose women astrology module to rev up our metaphysical engines and get down to mystical matters!

So how can we morph into fun loving “loose women astrology” types of gals, the kind of lassies who know all about planetary skies, astro angst and what side their transcendental toast is buttered on?

Creating a Simple Shrine

One of the first things our”21st Century Goddesses” suggest is that we create a shrine. Yes a simple shrine, perhaps dedicated to love, healing light or the manifestation of wishes. In fact the “Modern Girl’s Guide to the Universe” has some great magical hints as to how to do just that.

A shrine they state “is yet another way of bringing the sacred into your daily life. Your sacred shrine should be a place of serenity, but it can be almost anywhere that you feel it should go”. So you could align your shrine with basic Feng Shui modules, perhaps in a love or prosperity corner. Or just follow your instincts and put it near your adored cat’s favourite cushion, if it feels right.


To focalize your mystical intent choose a picture of your favourite Goddess. Examples could be illustrations of divine women like Mother Theresa. Hindu depictions of a woman’s spiritual power in the guise of Shakti and Devi are also empowering, as are those of Isis, the Goddess Diana or the Black Madonna. You could also pin to your shrine a picture of a woman you admire, perhaps a lass who has the attributes of the Great Goddess within her already. Take Michele Obama, Madonna, Oprah and Jennifer Ariston. These women’s charisma is certainly inspirational and since the purpose of our shrine is to strengthen our resolve, modern day goddesses need to be taken into consideration.


We could place pink candles for romantic love on our shrine, yellow candles for self confidence, green for universal love and red for grounding our energies. Of course we will always be careful to blow those candles out when we have finished praying, contemplating singing or meditating in front of our shrine.


Crystals such as rose quartz and citrine are great manifestation tools to place on our shrine and a stock of varied incense sticks will create a “perfectly perfumed” atmosphere. You could also decorate it with favourite symbols as long as they are positive, life enhancing and for “the good of all concerned”. Dried flowers, shells, rocks, herbs and sacred statues are perfect, as are indoor fountains. You could also build a garden shrine, with wind chime bells dangling around it. When a breeze blows it is so lovely to hear all that soft “tinkling”!

Certainly, connecting to Goddess Power is a stimulating process. In front of our shrine we can morph into a magical woman, get into creative visualization exercises, pray for world peace and send spiritual healing to friends and family. The shrine is a symbol of our higher selves and it encourages us to have fun and link up with all those beautiful goddesses, fun gals and loose women out there!
