Phone Psychics

45377234telephone1It has to be faced, as compassionate and as metaphysical as most phone psychics are, they are human! Yes, it is true; phone psychics love the many “ring a ding dings” emanating from the telephone, as client calls pepper the course of a normal day. But to de-stress, some frazzled phone psychics enjoy a long hot bath as they swoon to Andrea Bocelli on the CD player! (Italian arias hit the metaphysical high note when it comes to de-stressing!)

Wise metaphysical people utilize other stress techniques too. In fact, most phone psychics are into yoga and meditation to keep them on the “straight and narrow”. But would it surprise you to learn that many are also careful about what they eat? In short, they know that shoving a plate of spaghetti down their gullets, as they comfort a lady whose boyfriend has dumped her, is not conducive to low blood pressure!

So what will phone psychics do to be 100 percent calm, and there for you? How do they maintain those high energy vibes that tune in to your aura? Well, most of them choose what goes into their mouth; in other words they watch their diet.

Psychic Diet

Phone psychics have sensitive attitudes when it comes to eating. Many will seek fresh food, and follow Leslie Kenton’s Biogenic Diet. Leslie advises we eat bioactive foods that are “alive” and have not been laden with pesticides. Foods that are high in vitamins and enzymes in other words.

Leslie also suggests that we guzzle seeds. For example, sunflower, sesame, alfalfa, radish and buckwheat are super when it comes to de-bugging the nervous system. Nuts such as almonds cashews and Brazil are great too and pulses, such as lentils, beans, kidney beans, chickpeas and soya beans make skin glow like babies’. Leslie says these foods “have the greatest biogenic potential there is!”

Apple Fasts

Do not be surprised if phone psychics avoid “slob city!” with the odd apple fast. As Leslie says “apples are special” in fact they are a great source of vitamin A, and B complex, and keep the digestive system going like clockwork. They detoxify, and contain sulphur, potassium, iron and magnesium to boot. Phone psychics on three day apple fasts will feel fresher; more relaxed, and emanate light as they utilize supernatural energies with gusto. Phone psychics know that apples are great for bladder inflammations, and insomnia, which can emerge when a “super human” is “super stressed”. In fact apples contain pectin, great when it comes to holding back the degenerative forces accumulating in body tissues. Yuck! So be sure that no “wrinkle ridden” psychics will be answering your calls!

Most phone psychics tell us that a three day apple fast moves the toxins along. Of course consulting the doc before undertaking a fast is an excellent idea, as you realize how much toxin is accumulated when the headaches come on. During the apple fast, “pommes” are morphed into juice, puree, and even oven baked. In fact, if you look inside phone psychics’ kitchens you might discover them following Leslie’s advice to the letter. They will have blenders, juicers, and food processors by the lorry load. Their fridges will not be bulging with cheeses, unless it is feta or cottage. Loads of mineral water bottles will be stored in the pantries, and you will rarely find tea and coffee in prime positions on the shelves. Why? Because they are aware that their work puts them in the “hot seat” and they need to “cool down” with healthy diets. So basically, sensible phone psychics fill their shopping bags with bright red peppers, shiny lemons, juicy apples, and awesome greens.

Okay, so you enjoy your fish and chips! We will let you into a little secret so do phone psychics, but they know that a pure energy field aids clearer “vision”. You might agree with them, especially when the boyfriend, who has not been in touch for three months, does just what the psychic said he would. He calls within 24 hours. Now was that due to an apple fast? Beans or just plain Nuts? Well, maybe you are!