Psychic Light

37048452kabbalahWhat is psychic light, how can one apply it to one’s everyday life? Is psychic light simply the emanation of an empath’s energy field, or is psychic light something we can acquire ourselves, a platform if you like, for metaphysical self knowledge and expression?


Many of us are aware of Madonna’s interest in the spiritual and her search for light, even psychic light through the Kabbalah, the mystical aspect of Judaism. Madonna will know that much of the teachings of the Kabbalah were verbally communicated by the elders and mystics in days gone by, yet the Kabbalah is still proactive these days. Madonna has obviously attempted to follow its higher teachings, so much so that some say it was the cause of her generous monetary contribution towards the recent Italian earthquake and her adoption of two African children.

But what is Kabbalah and how can it connect to our own inner light? The medieval Jewish philosopher Maimonides summarized the Divine aspect of the Kabbalah in relation to Creation.

The foundation of all foundation and the pillar of all wisdom is to know that there is God who brought into being all existence. All the beings of the heavens, and the earth and what is between them came into existence only from the truth of God’s being!

Kabbalah is therefore ancient mystical wisdom that describes sacred energy, but also improves life on a daily basis with its practices. And yes, there are also parts of the Kabbalah that answer deeper life questions and could be a tool of ultimate personal transformation. By repeating the many sacred names of God, as per some of the Kabbalah’s ancient practices demand, humanity could discover solutions to current economical and worldwide crises. No matter the challenges, the Kabbalah fits into humanity’s history like a glove. It makes life more spiritually meaningful. It gives an explanation for creation. It encourages us to contribute to our evolution and the knowledge that only some elements of the Divine can be deciphered by human beings. The Kabbalah attempts to describe the divine force that sustains the world and its practices reinforce the magical aspects of existence.

Rabbi Yehuda Berg tells us that the Kabbalah must be practiced with responsibility and an understanding of the variant levels of its sacred energy, which are split into ten.

Rabbi Berg also informs us that the Kabbalah of the Tree of Light morphs into diverse key life lessons. One of them is the law of cause and effect, i.e. our actions affect other actions in another place. The Kabbalah takes into consideration that this planet is a life school the soul passes through, as we all need to incarnate into this world to complete a cycle of spiritual growth. The Kabbalah encourages us to change from deep within, and move up to another level of mystical understanding. We cannot expect change in our environment, in other words, if we do not attempt to transform ourselves, we cannot understand the mystical, somewhat secretive and magical rituals of the Kabbalah if we are unaware we are spiritual beings.

The Kabbalah teaches that if we want to engage the sacred dimensions on a daily basis we need to learn that “sacredness” pertains not only to us, but to those around us, therefore we need to cultivate our respect for others and understand their individuality. We need to become aware that our day to day grind can lead us to a higher understanding of the diverse dimensions of existence because Kabbalah really works through everyday life.

During his interview on the Sacred Awakening Series the renowned Kabbalist Rabbi Berg tells us we need to transform just one thing within ourselves first, if we can just change a single negative action that has power over us, to the positive, we will have not only found an answer, but relief of our own suffering. That is why the search for psychic light could be our amazing gift to the world.