Psychic Websites

8260470redwebsiteCommunicating With The Public

Interestingly enough, psychic websites are frequently created by astrologers, mediums, empaths and psychics themselves, or at least those interested in the communication of metaphysical mores to the general public. There is a deep sense of commitment, sometimes to the evolution of the soul, from those who create psychic websites. In fact, it would be a great mistake to think that psychic websites are available only for financial gain, or run by individuals into dark arts, or negative spiritual rituals.

There are some unusual and illumined characters behind the creators of these sites, folks who nurture sincere devotion to the Great Goddess. They might perceive their work as devotion to humanity’s welfare and their lives are frequently based on a love of nature and respect for the magic of the elements and the power of the heavens, as per astrological perceptions.


The sad fact is that the magical practitioners of today are still called “Satanists”, a term used by fundamentalist Christians and those with a scant knowledge of magical practices. This perception often places magical folk in a dangerous position as they are continually harassed by both Christians and Satanists alike. The truly magical are still pure hearted however, seeking to maintain healing rituals often handed down by “word of mouth”. Rather than a moralistic approach, they perceive Evil as a natural force that eradicates good in all aspects of life. Therefore spell casting, healing and reading tarot are carried out with a higher purpose in mind, which is to help humanity evolve and open hearts to the goodness of universal love.

Raven Grimasi

In the amazing book Italian witchcraft Raven Grimasi describes an example of this Magical perception of goodness.

On March 21, 1575, a priest named Don Bartolomeo Sgabarizza appeared before Monsignor Jacop Maracco at the Monastery of San Francisco di Cividale with an amazing account of a local practice in the village of Iasico. He related the story of a man named Paolo Gaspurutto who had a reputation as a magical healer. Upon questioning, Paolo admitted that he belonged to a society called the Benandanti (good-doers). He then revealed that the Benandanti would fall into trances on certain nights of the year (called the ember days) and their souls would leave their bodies. Then they would engage in ritual combat with the Malandi (evil-doers) over the fate of the harvest!”

That the Benandanti did exist is quite clear from the continued discoveries of their society and trial transcripts, which span almost 100 years as recorded in the archives of the Inquisition

A magical worker is therefore rarely nave when it comes to understanding that dark forces surface when the natural rhythm of nature is interfered with. However they are careful not to moralize or project onto others their own limitations and their rituals are based on one premise alone, which is to “cause harm to none”. In fact they often prefer to work their magic “incognito” rarely looking for prizes or recommendations. So do not be surprised if the friendly postman, the caring nurse, the busy young mother, the beautiful model, or your local policeman hides a secret which is to be of spiritual service to humanity.


We all need to release our fear of magic. Remember its true practitioners are ordinary folk and in days gone by they were often persecuted, tortured and burnt alive by the Inquisition. Let us try not to let narrow prejudice affect us when we seek to consult psychic websites, but let us also make sure we utilise highly recommended ones, with a tried and proven “name” and reputation. Make no mistake, if you connect to a devoted magical worker, your life can only be enhanced!