14546183helpinghandCan you imagine a world where teams of angelic helpers would step up to the plate every time your life was going wrong? Imagine a sort of psychics on call team rushing to help you with emotional emergencies such as a “hysterical fit”, or a bout of chronic desperation. Imagine this psychics on call team as non judgemental, utterly compassionate and expressing love unconditionally. If such a team of Meta psychics on call existed, it would virtually set this planet alight!

These days’ people are so busy surviving they seem to have lost their basic empathic skills. Many seem to be wandering along in a fog of self absorption, too stressed and worried to wonder about the anguish of the next person. But the funny thing is that if they would just start to care just a little about others, their lives would move up a rung and they would experience what everyone is looking for – happiness. There is nothing like giving to others to make one feel better.

Prisons in The Netherlands

But be that as it may, there are people “out there” who are dedicated to helping the suffering anyway. In fact there is a type of psychics on call team doing an excellent job in Dutch prisons already. reports on “Dutch prisons using psychics to help prisoners contact the dead!!”

Mr Paul Van Free

The proper definition for such psychics would be clairvoyant mediums however. But be that as it may, the Telegraph reports on a Mr Paul Van Free “a self styled ‘paragnost’, as he likes to call himself, or clairvoyant who has been hired by the Dutch Prison Service to teach prisoners how to “love themselves!”

The Telegraph

The Telegraph goes on to report that “Mr Van Bree also publishes annual predictions of the future and claims to be from a long line of clairvoyants, including his mother and grandmother.”

This nice chap likes to think of himself as the “Happy Buddha” and told the Dutch Tijd Magazine that he is not the only psychic healer employed by the Dutch Prison Ministry.

Tijd Magazine

Tijd Magazine reports that “”He has claimed that by talking to both the prisoner and the prisoner’s dead parents, he can discover key psychological insights to help the prison authorities rehabilitate criminals.

He says “With my antennae I sometimes reveal more than a psychologist or a prison welfare officer. My work can be compared to mental health care in the widest sense of the words.””

But this is not the only case of metaphysical intervention in Dutch social services. The Dutch Employment Service has apparently also been working “hand in glove” with paranormal folks to help the unemployed regain confidence!

Alternative Acceptance

The fact cannot be denied, the metaphysical is becoming more “accepted” by certain elements of the “Forces that Be”. Certainly, the moving experiences of tearful prisoners contacting their relatives “on the other side” is a case in point. But would the world not be a finer place anyway if there was more rampant compassion? Criminals are usually a result of negative social conditioning and lack of parental care and love, unless they are severely mentally disturbed or psychotic. Perhaps there would be crime if our society educated children to be more loving and radically kinder to each other.

The fact that prisoners are reduced to tears by their metaphysical experiences only goes to show that the human heart is a mystery that those who believe in life everlasting manage to decipher. Perhaps we all should start deciphering this meta-spiritual perspective and get together a band of psychics on call-type folks to help those in need