Real Psychics & Spirits

26810647stargateThe CIA

Do real psychics see spirits? Well some real psychics might not see spirits but could have morphed into Remote Viewers instead and have become involved in a variety of Star Gate Projects with code names like “Sun Streak”, “Grill Frame” and “Scannate”. These projects are rumoured to have been initiated by the CIA for spying purposes, in other words psychics are using their gifts to analyse long distant terrorist, or hostile military operations.

It is known that over the space of 20 years some $20 million or more, has been spent on remote viewers’ activities on the project Star Gate with a team of 23 real psychics, or dare we say it “remote viewers” “seeing” distant military activities in hostile geographic locations. In fact one remote viewer/psychic, a Mr. Joe McMoneagle, left the Star Gate project with a history of successfully “sighting” 150 enemy “target” areas under his belt! But within the rather “murky field” of remote viewers being utilized in top secret CIA operations, some “sensitives” claim that they have also been privy to encountering extraterrestrial presences on planet earth and that a top secret, cover up operation run by the US military has been going on since the 1950s.


One of the most common experiences, which your usual “sceptic” would classify as “total bunkum” are actual “encounters” with Grays. Some psychics, remote viewers and empaths, even your every day Joe Bloggs, claim to have been abducted by nasty Grays. Grays are experienced as thin, small beings with big heads, huge black slit eyes, an insect like attitude and scaly skin; they are actually very pale grey in colour with suction like disks that serve as hands. They are emotionless entities; psychics say their hearts are closed and one of their “hobbies” is not only abducting innocent humans but subjecting them to dire experiments, often poking surgically shaped instruments into private parts and even eyes. It seems that Grays are curious, they want to acquire more knowledge about our feeling nature, they are said to be envious of it and try to understand it with their dire experimentations. Some conspiracy theorists believe they want planet earth all to themselves. Few psychics go “a whole hog” on these types of entities anyway and those who classify themselves as real psychics who see spirits avoid Grays like the plague. They are certainly not the types of beings you would want to meet on a dark night!

Dr Von Neumann

Rumour has it that the brilliant Dr von Neumann, the Hungarian American mathematician who had a say in quantum mechanics, nuclear physics and thermonuclear reactions, plus the hydrogen bomb, was called on by the US government to visit the site of a crashed Gray UFO in 1947 at Aztec. None of the grays on the vehicle had apparently survived. At that point, conspiracy theorists maintain Neumann had to take a step back and review his perceptions on metaphysics, since he did not have a “scientific” module to describe the complexities of long distance space travel on his “list of things to do”.

A group of “some might say even more wacko” conspiracy theories include the fact that the US government has been working in league with aliens on top secret Black Ops projects for many years and that another space inhabitant, the ET Orion, although positively oriented towards some elements of service and cooperation, have almost as much “bad press” as the Grays. Their negative reputation is based on the wars they are said to engage in, apparently with the Galactic Federation and their tendency, like the Grays, to abduct humans for experimentation projects.

Whether you believe the aforementioned is a “load of old rubbish” or not, one cannot deny that a rise in UFO sightings has been noted all over the world, therefore one can only ask two questions. 1. The human race has been totally disempowered and is no longer aware of their governments’ manipulation of truth, or 2. The conspiracy theorists are a load of wacko dunces who need to spend time de-toxing in The Priory! Only you can decide.