30445908alienofficeA recent SMS tarot enquirer typed “I saw an UFO what do I do?” SMS tarot questions and answers are usually brief and to the point. The client types in a concern and the reader answers them immediately, with just a few words.

But in this case, rather than going into a limited explanation of what UFOs might be, the SMS tarot question was answered by the psychic as follows “Ask Nick Pope”.

Nick Pope

Now that SMS tarot reply might seem a bit supercilious but asking Nick Pope is not such a bad idea simply because he used to be Head of the UFO project at the Ministry of Defense. When it came to reported sightings of UFOs he was in charge and initially a bit of a “Doubting Thomas” too. However, soon enough “our Nick” realized that the many UFO reports pouring on to his desk were not only from “proverbial nutters” but from airline pilots and those operating defence tracking radar systems.

Nick became evermore convinced that UFOs are a reality and decided to put on his “investigative hat” and start researching all aspects of the “unexplainable” which include such way out theories as alien abductions, crop circles and conspiracy theories.

UFO Authority

Nick is now considered somewhat of an authority on UFOs and has taken part in numerous TV programmes and radio shows, always answering questions with the calm voice of reason. His approach is down to earth and sensible, the opinions of a man who seeks the truth and does his best to go about it with a fair attitude.

On his website, he calmly states he does not believe in conspiracy theories and his opinions are outlined below, in his own words.

Conspiracy Theories

“The best-known conspiracy theories are probably those revolving around UFOs and Roswell, the assassination of JFK, the moon landings, the death Princess Diana, 9/11 and 2012. But there are other lesser-known conspiracy theories that still attract a lot of interest, such as the death of Dr David Kelly, chemtrails, HAARP, the North American Union and disappearing bees.”

There is a darker side to some conspiracy theories, particularly those involving a New World Order, where phrases such as “conspiracy of international bankers” are often used to mask anti-Semitism. Medical conspiracies (e.g. those surrounding Swine flu) can also be dangerous. Many people believe that certain diseases and the associated vaccination programmes are part of a conspiracy to exterminate populations and bring about a New World Order. If people who are ill with such diseases use conspiracy websites to inform their decisions, as opposed to seeking medical advice, the consequences could be fatal.

The Government

“It’s interesting that most conspiracy theories (with a few exceptions, such as ‘Paul McCartney is dead’) revolve around a situation with government agencies involved. I suspect this is why, in relation to parapsychology and the unexplained, there are conspiracy theories about UFOs, alien abductions and crop circles, but not about ghosts, Near Death Experiences or Out of Body Experiences. This reflects what I term “the demonization of government” and a situation where, due to general distrust of authority, government statements that are entirely truthful are not believed.

“I believe that many conspiracy theories arise because of fundamental misunderstandings of the way in which governments, the military and intelligence agencies act. To give an example, a reading of the 9/11 Commission Report makes it clear that there were failings in inter-agency information sharing, e.g. between CIA and FBI. People with knowledge and experience of officialdom know this is a systemic problem, yet it’s easy to see how the fact that people had actionable intelligence, but didn’t pass it on, could be misconstrued as implying that 9/11 was ‘allowed to happen’.

Nick Pope’s attitude is sensible and open to further research. In fact, Nick could be considered a “calm, still voice” in the midst of a maelstrom of OTT information on the internet, some of which is overstated and embellished information. So in reality the psychic was not so “way off” when she answered that SMS tarot UFO enquiry with, “Ask Nick Pope!”