Tarot Made Easy

19165261yellowbagBuying a Tarot Deck

When we buy a tarot pack, it takes a little while to understand how the metaphysical works through the cards. But we soon become aware that the images on the cards relate to archetypal energies that emanate through the reader, touching on the deeper recesses of her consciousness, or the intuitive mind. This might all seem rather complex, so how is tarot made easy to read?

Starting Out

For beginners it is always best to choose tarot with simple, powerful yet compact images, rather than packs with a more convoluted artistic flare. In fact, tarot made easy to read instructions helps the newbie understand basic layouts and the overall meaning of each card. Tarot made easy instructions also help the insecure reader gain a little more confidence. But it is important to be aware that tarot is symbolic and interpretations are diverse in each lay out. No matter how beautiful an arcane tarot card, like The Sun, may appear there is always a “shadow” side to the most positive of cards and a good side to the more negative. Therefore, an intuitive tarot reader will take on board the individuality of each client and customize the reading to their energy field and particular needs.

The truth is when we look at the tarot we see ourselves and our potential expression in the past, present and future. As we change ourselves, our tarot readings change, therefore it is logical we gain more self awareness of our own shadow side and get a handle on issues that hold us back from fulfilling our life mission.

A professional tarot reader will usually be an individual who has come to grips with many life challenges themselves and can advise others how to overcome obstacles with compassion and dedication to a spiritual perspective on life. Any experienced card reader will tell you that tarot made easy is only easy when we learn to trust our intuition and interpretation of each card and that takes time and practice.


Tarot needs substance. To think that we can resolve issues with simple lay outs that only give good news and are afraid of digging into the more complex variables of a reading, is not going to help anyone. Sometimes, a tarot reading will be convoluted and we will not understand what the cards mean. In these cases it is a good idea to go within and ask guidance from our tarot guardian, who we connect to when we initiate our pack, say a prayer for protection and dedicate our tarot to the good of all beings.

Choosing Your Tarot

We could start with sussing out the cards by removing the ones that we like. It is easy to tune into the Sun, the Star and the World cards first, but it is the cards we don’t like that we need to get a handle on later. Getting to grips with the Death, the Devil and the Tower cards is an important process when we start learning to read. Meditating on both the positive and what we perceive to be the more “negative” aspects of each card will also enable us to become adept readers and tarot made easy will indeed be a concept we can get our heads and hearts around.

Tarot reading is a fascinating process, a process that can help us grow and evolve. There is always something new to learn about the tarot, so if you are really serious about it, be prepared to cultivate an open mind.