

Your Birthday - born 4th, May

Today - discover the make-up of people born on 4th, May ! Tune in each and every day to see the traits and characteristics people born on different days of the year hold.

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Born today on the 4th, May :
If this rotund creature had known you were coming, he'd have baked you a cake. Any excuse for getting out the mixing bowl and making the house drift with delicious, appetising smells. May 4 likes to cook; it's the best way they know of pleasing people. And of course, they always eat as they cook, because you must taste as you go along. Most stars born on this day turn to food for an expression of love, affection or just parenting, so their house will be stocked with coconut pyramids fresh from the oven, little fairy cakes covered in bright icing for children to delight in, and squelching, delicious, big-occasion chocolate numbers with chocolate butter cream topping and filling. They put the same enthusiasm into their own personal recipe for love, concocting different ways of pleasing a lover and indeed themselves. For this creature, straightforward sex is not usually enough, although sometimes it's a necessity. Drinks by the bedside usually feature in their amorous nights of pleasure. Then there will be scented baths to play in together and a great deal of slow stroking and massage to feet, especially toes and the base of the spine - a favourite place for May 4. Both sexes like money. So they strive hard to succeed at work and do well in big corporations because of their pleasing personality, often making excellent accountants and managers of big departments. All of this is, of course, to finance their private palace of enchantment. Younger people born on this day are also extremely image conscious and spend a lot of money and time on clothes and the dressing of their usually luxuriant hair. As May 4 gets older, however, they sometimes find their love of food leads to the need to shop for clothes with elastic waistbands. But slenderness of body is not a prerequisite to enjoyment of life, and we are not talking mounds of fat here, just a certain appealing rotundity.
Body :

With these tastes nothing is going to persuade May 4 to lead a life of bean sprouts and boiling water with a squeeze of lemon. It's worth remembering that most women in the UK are size 16 and over anyway and most men are considerably larger round the middle than they admit to. Just watch the weight doesn't get excessive and enjoy yourself. Try this bedside drink with a kick, just to ring the changes. It's called Brandy Alexander. Mix one part crime de cacao with three parts brandy, one part cream and four ice cubes. Put in cocktail shaker with cubes. Shake well.
Mind :

Both sexes dream of love with famous people. Recent surveys show that Princess Diana and Brad Pitt are top of everybody's dream lists. It's OK, but if they come each night, could get tedious.

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