Australian Psychics

34843532operahouseAustralian Sacred Sites

Australian psychics have many of their own magical traditions to enjoy, some of them derived from aboriginal archaic practices, In fact Australia has some stunning sacred and natural sites to visit, such as The Pinnacles, extraordinary upright primeval stones, or the Lost Caves of the Blue Mountains. Yet travelling overseas to visit other magical areas might be on a list of Australian psychics things to do.


So where would your Australian psychics tend to stop off to enjoy foreign energy sites? Stonehenge looms as a number one on that list. Stonehenge’s’ gigantic monoliths still emanate echo’s of ancient rituals, when people gathered to celebrate the summer solstice in primeval times. There was even a second Stonehenge brought to light not so long ago, with the remains of a mysterious circular structure about 10 meters in diameter. This ancient structure goes back to Neolithic times and is nominated the Blue Stonehenge, due to the typology of the massive rocks used to build it, volcanic rocks that reflect an odd blue glow.

The second Stonehenge is near the river Avon, where some claim burying rituals took place and the bodies of ancient kings and queens were floated down the river Avon from our more well known Stonehenge to the Blue Stonehenge. These echoes of “times gone by” would be evocative to anyone, let alone Australian psychics.

European Sites

But Europe also has her magical sites, even if lesser known than Stonehenge, for example Vulci in Tuscany. D H Lawrence wrote about this stunning Etruscan city watched over by two eerie winged sphinx statues. The mysteries of the place are difficult to decipher, suffice it to say Vulci emanates a healing energy that mesmerizes and fascinates.

Another area for Australian psychics to visit would be the Magical Cathedral Dome in Milan. Few know that the zodiac sign of Capricorn, said to be the birth sign Christ, is depicted on one of its walls and placed in a position whereby a lone sun beam illumines the Capricorn astro on Christmas day.

One of the most evocative mystical sites in Europe is that of Rennes le Chateau a medieval village in Occitan, France. Surrounded by a stunningly beautiful natural environment and numerous castles on crags, this area saw terrible battles between the Catholic Church and the rebellious Cathars. The Cathars were a purist sect, dedicated to art and the liberation of the female soul. They had detached themselves from repressive Vatican edicts and were nominated heretics as a result. Many Cathars martyred themselves, apparently smiling as they walked into a wall of fire, rather than give into Vatican troops.

But it is the magical Rennes le Chateau church of Mary Magdalene that has empaths stunned. As one enters the church one is first shocked by a graphic depiction of the devil, a statue with a demonic hand holding a stoup full of blessed holy water to the faithful. The church itself is full to bursting point with unusual murals, art works and statues. Rumours have it that the Holy Grail is buried in the area, perhaps under the church itself. Certainly, the place is utterly evocative with a totally unique spiritual vibe that links in with the myth that Jesus survived the crucifixion only to live in exile in France with his wife, Mary Magdalene. Certainly, one can imagine Jesus walking the hills, mountains and fields of this awesome natural environment with his wife and children behind him. The myth is doubtful but still inspiring!

Australian psychics would probably lap up the culture and mystery of these aforementioned magical sites, certainly they are wonderful places to visit, not only to raise consciousness, but to appreciate the stunning wonder of planet’s earth’s timeless mysteries.