Online Future Teller

16575900distantmoonNow you might ask yourself is an online future teller one of those “witchy” folk who worships the moon? This thought might make you feel uneasy, even doubtful about getting a reading. In fact, an online future teller might have you quaking in your boots because ever since your Aunty Betty’s ghost manifested on your front lawn, you have been feeling slightly jittery about metaphysical subjects.

Sorry, in this case we will be the last to lay your mind to rest, may be because we prefer to cheer on the online future teller, whose take on reality will probably be more fun than yours! For example, when you look at the moon you see a bright ball, or crescent, in the sky, it looks pretty, it’s romantic and very nice to kiss under when one is in love – but that it is virtually it! You don’t think for one minute that ancient folks believed moon phases were not only linked to the ebb and flow of the tides, but to life itself – in other words from fertility and good crops to ageing and bad crops. In fact, Divine Mother cults were usually practiced in the light of the moon to bring luck and protection.

Goddess Diana

An online future teller will know that the moon symbolizes the Goddess Diana who was worshipped by many ancients as the Great Goddess. They will also know that “The Dark Side of the Moon”, is not just a song by the Pink Floyd, but Diana’s sacred hunting grove. Believe it or not, “Luna rituals” date back to prehistory and could even be pulsating within your DNA this very second! Perhaps that is why we want to kiss and cuddle, howl, transform into were wolves, have a nervous breakdown or sensibly reach for the crme de menthe when it is full.

The Moon

Let’s face it, the moon has always been magical and worshipping it is on any esoteric dude’s “list things of things to do”. Some of our forefathers believed that when the moon was dark evil beings walked the earth. Others believed that the sun and moon hung out with each other when folks weren’t looking! But it has to be said planting, harvesting plus herb planting and picking are still synchronized with moon phases. Any witch worth her magic wand would plant her herbs under the full moon and knew if she cut hair her when it was waxing, those locks would grow thick and strong. Some say Mediterranean-style witches even used to “pull the moon down out of the sky!” We say pull the other one it’s got bells on!

Medieval Inquisitors

Yet when those mean old medieval inquisitors got a look in, they immediately said, quite rightly, the moon drove people mad, bless’em. Mad enough to not want to believe religious lies, dogma, narrow mindedness and bullying government officials. So what’s new?

Those “mean inquisitors” were also scared of Luna power and burnt everything that had to do with the Beautiful Silver Lady and that included millions of ordinary women, whose only crime was to plant herbs and heal their neighbours” aches and pains. Interestingly, the moon’s energies are considered feminine and some see the moon as a symbol of the womb, menstruation cycles and fertility.

Now, some of those ancient magical folk liked to initiate themselves in the moonlight and hung themselves upside down on a branch, contemplating the divine. Trees were considered symbols of the Silver Lady and the “magical moon tree” bore thirteen blooms, which depicted the 13 full and new moons phases. If you think those tree “hangers on” were a bit daft, think again! Interestingly the Hanged Man tarot card is a depiction of those ancient practices and means sacrifice for a greater cause.

The Tarot Moon Card

The Tarot Moon card has a powerful meaning too. One is that we always need to walk in the shadow of the Silver Lady to understand the deepest recesses of our soul. But it has to be said even nowadays the Moon Goddess is a swinger. She likes her moon stones, her witchy women and as you bask in her mysterious light she might look down on you with a benevolent gaze and make your wish come true. Any psychic will tell you moonlight gets you back on par, after all she lays her crystals, her spells and her invocations before it. She insists the moon will give you a great magical boost. So start moon gazing!