Taro reading

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A taro reading is based on the placement of the cards in various lay outs. There is a circle yearly layout of 12 cards, the Celtic cross and a simple past present and future layout. Interestingly a tarot reading could be connected to sacred geometry due to its archetypal symbolism and the way the layouts fall into a certain combination or format pattern to explain a client’s destiny.

But what is sacred geometry and how can it affect us? The universe is an eternal life form and it is organized into various structures and formats, some say it is multidimensional, beyond time, beyond even our perception of it.

In a way we could see the universe as a cosmic web of energy, pulsating with life, like a giant amoeba, if you like, that continues to expand itself into ever evolving directions.

Ramon Stevens

In his article on Chaos and Order, Exploring Cosmic Geometry, Ramon Stevens states: “When the astrologer adepts of advanced societies turned their gaze skyward, they observed consistent patterns in the heavens which correlated with patterns in human personality and events: One of the most readily observable patterns in the night sky and one with apparently consistent effects on human life, was the complex energy matrices arising whenever celestial objects formed geometric patterns. The basic patterns are the line, the circle, the square and the triangle. Because the cosmos was perceived as an ocean of energy, its individual bodies were not accorded the importance they hold in popular astrology; rather individual objects were seen to contribute characteristic Ingredients to the greater cosmic map.”

Perhaps we could see a taro reading as a way of explaining the human personality with the same tools as the astrologer that is to make order out of chaos. So in a taro reading, archetypal symbols are downloaded energetically into a format and then expressed on to cards. During a taro reading, a client chooses a card and immediately enters into the “order out of chaos” state and starts to break down the variants of her destiny and life style into a logical consequence of possibilities, which depend on her internal soul condition. The cards themselves overlap, fusing into each other, to present a unique one off picture that can never, ever be repeated again. The electromagnetic energy of the reading is then emanated into thought forms and that “destiny” expressing itself in to the taro reading if you like.


The Empress, the Emperor and the Sun in sequence, are a momentary communication that seemingly happened “by chance” but in reality we chose to define our reality in that way. Just in the same way as cosmic geometry defines the universe with its fragments of stars, planets, milky ways and geometrical shapes.

If one can see a taro reading as being linked into a great and higher force and that we are all one expressing our destines in varied formats it is easier to understand the metaphysical significance and power of a taro reading.

So it would be understandable to realize too how unique each taro reading is and how special it would be to the client. The taro reading could explain every day challenges in in-depth terms and be able to decipher how inner soul structure creates destiny, which then expresses it out into the world. There is a sort of balance and logic to a taro reading that at first glance does not appear to be there. So next time you go for that reading realize that you are indeed connecting to some cosmic symmetry that reflects within you, but also out there in that big, wide old universe.