
36993125lovecardWhy Cast  A Love Spell?

Okay, this is it! You have had enough! You are sick to death of doing “mirror mirror on the wall who is the fairest of them all?” Everyone knows Snow White stole your partner. In fact, you are still sobbing about the way he dumped you for that “girly” paradigm of virtue.

Obviously it is time for the lovespell. You were not quite sure how to go about it, so you bought a few lovespell books. They were far too advanced, they entailed digging the local graveyard for the hip hone of a deceased marriage counsellor in broad daylight, picking one grey hair off a spinster’s head while she was sleeping was too much, since this could only be done on a Thursday night at 3 am and some other stuff that was totally impossible, like melting snow from the North Pole.

You just wanted something easy to do for a lovespell, like burning a pink candle and invoking the Goddess Venus, is that too much to ask? You feel someone has sent you an evil eye and it just won’t shut. Every time the word romance is mentioned, you start gibbering. If you continue like this, you won’t manage to hold your hand still as you reach out to Snow White, clenching that poisoned apple for all its worth!

Which Spell?

Joking aside, so what next? What love spell could you possibly do now? We realize how urgent this situation is, so we are going to make some simple suggestions.

First and foremost, get illogical! Don’t read 500 page “denouements” about evil, “rip off merchant”, charlatan psychics by the Sceptics Society. Sceptics are well known bores and “kill joys” and goddesses, fairies and angels don’t go a whole bunch on the SS!

Secondly, it is no use thinking negative, like feeling all envious of happily married couples. Start seeing your true beauty shinning within and invoke the company of the Goddess.

Thirdly, don’t be shy to ask for help, there is a magical world waiting for you to call on it. If you do a spell and think it is just “kids stuff” nothing will happen and your theory that magic is for idiots will prove correct.

Clean out your cupboards, new energy needs space and if you are all cluttered up with old mementos how can you ever eat apples again?

When you ask for a magic spell to come true, repeat its formulae with your hand over your heart. Your heart energy emanates more than 12 ft around your body; it is the most powerful centre of your being. It can literally make miracles happen!

And last but not least, yes, do the simple pink candle spell invoking the Goddess and gather your own totems, for example your broken heart, your lack of faith, your doubts and fears and Universal Love, and give them to Her, she will transform all that pain into a true, blue, wonderful new lover!

You see love is already brimming over in your heart, it always has been and it says, you are indeed “the most beautiful of them all” and all those boring Snow Whites can go “hoola hoop!”

So, remember this phrase, or learn it by heart, and all will be well!

“Watch your thoughts; they become words.

Watch your words; they become actions.

Watch your actions; they become habits.

Watch your habits; they become characters.

Watch your character; it becomes your Destiny!”