34766180twofishFriendly Advice

So, your best mate, Sara, has walked out on her boyfriend for the third time. She is an exquisite Pisces, so gorgeous, a dream of a girl, yet she tells you she is getting a serious horoscope Pisces love analysis done, she is so desperate. She wants to talk to an astrologer about the future of her relationship with George, her Gemini boyfriend.

You advise Sara to get on the case; in fact you are praying that a horoscope Pisces love analysis will do something to “stop the rot”. You are sad to see her so upset, but you also realise you cannot stand by watching her swill down gallons of Bach Flower Rescue Remedy each time you invite her down the pub for a glass of red.

The sensible advice is you should not fret, just face the sad fact that Gemini and Pisces don’t mix! Think oil and water, think Elizabeth the first and Mary Queen of Scots. Think Olivia de Havilland and Joan Fontaine, you could even think Joseph Stalin and Leon Trotsky! Whatever you think about a Horoscope Pisces love report regarding a Gemini Pisces relationship, the writing is on the wall and it spells “feud”.

Gemini and Pisces will drive each other bonkers with avoidance patterns.

She says “Do you think we should go visit my parents?”

He says “like when?”

She says “I am not sure.”

He says, “neither am I”.

She says, “why” etc. etc.

These types of Gemini/Pisces conversations can last a very long time, and nobody gets any the wiser usually because neither really cares what the other is saying. Sara is too busy dreaming of a new swim suit; George is too busy fretting about her latest spending spree down the high street. So what gives with this Pisces Gemini disaster anyway?

Pisces People

Okay, Pisces are spiritual beings who have incarnated a million times on this planet and know more about the metaphysical than your average New Age healer. Gemini’s are not quite so ancient and mystical; yet believe that they have their finger on every pulse. Suffering from dry rot, ingrowing toenails or a plumbing problem? Mr Gemini’s Mercurian theories will guide you to sensible, realistic solutions. In fact, Gemini will wax on lyrical about the state of your pipes, with elaborations on rust, leakage, cement and breakage. At such times a Pisces will pretend to concentrate, but their semi smirk will be a dead giveaway for extreme boredom.

The fact that your Sara is about to have a nervous breakdown because George the Gemini talks consistently right through her favourite TV programme, usually a costume drama, is a case in point. She needs her rest, her respite, her hour to herself in sublime inner contemplation. She swims in the sea of the unconscious in her free time. Yet all George does is play rock music as he chats to his friend about building a recording studio down the back yard.

Sara complains that George nags her morning noon and night about her credit card bills. Yet she told him she had no sense of money when she met him, she has long fingers and narrow palms, that is why. Then Sara will proceed to “go ape” when George invests in some loser pyramid scheme. She is pensive, he chats. He is inspired, she yawns.

But somehow, perhaps because he remembers she is so sensual, so beautiful, so sexy, poor George shrugs and realises he wants her back even though she has not returned his calls for two weeks.

Sara tells you the horoscope Pisces love analysis said their feud is over for now, that is until it starts again. You give up, and invite her for another drink, saying perhaps their moons or ascendants match! She shrugs; she has not been listening to one word. She is too busy swigging back Bach Flower Rescue Remedy!