Medium Physic

10057444oldcompassFinding Guidance

If you had an internal guidance system would you use it to steer your life in the right direction? Most of us turn to empaths and psychics when we are at a cross roads, for example a Medium Physic, when we are confused as to which boyfriend to choose, job to take, relationship to leave. Or if we have lost someone we love, we yearn to speak to them again, have them tell us all is well!

Yes, of course we have every right to ask for help, it is still important to trust our own inner voice with both the simple and complex issues we face day to day. Certainly, a Medium Physic can sustain our life path and guide us towards diverse ways of looking at our issues. After all, a Medium Physic is a sensitive, an intuitive human being, with a life mission to help others, so she can pilot our path with her channelling, insights and predictions. But if we really want our lives to work, we must also take responsibility and become “directors of our own orchestra”, for want of better words.

For example, sometimes nobody else can decide about a challenging issue better than us. We could make good decisions, act on our intuition and be especially positive and proactive even when we are submerged by problems. We could trust ourselves a little more, in other words, have more confidence and make sure we do not make as many obvious mistakes for a change. Often those mistakes happen because we ignore an inner warning signal, like that little red light flashing on and off in our head. In fact, when we are on the wrong track we could feel a tight solar plexus sensation, like butterflies in the stomach. Not the kind of butterflies that flutter before we take a driving test, but the kind of butterflies that want to stop us leaping off the wrong bridge, driving down the wrong road, marrying the wrong man. We feel a pressure in our stomach area at those “wrong” times and are filled with dread. But if we make a good decision, for example about marrying a wonderful soul mate, or starting our own business, there is a deep sense of expansion and joy.

Zen DeBrucke

Zen DeBrucke is a mystic and spiritual teacher and she has cleverly devised a system of signals from within our own body, that she calls our Internal Guidance System, or IGS. She is convinced that it helps us pick up the real truth of a situation or challenge.

She told Coast to Coast Radio how to contact our Inner Guidance System:

Zen says, “Begin by focusing on the bottom of your feet to become present with your body. Next, think about the following statements one at a time:

1) I DO NOT have an Internal Guidance System.

2) I DO have an Internal Guidance System.

As you think about the above, try and pick up whether there are any strong sensations between your throat and stomach area, like an expansion, an opening out, or a tension and closing down. For example, when you think you do not have an IGS you might feel a tightening in the stomach area and when you believe you do have an IGS, there could be a deep relaxation in the chest area and you might feel an opening of the heart.

Internal Guidance System

Zen tells us that the IGS is rather like a compass that we can use to understand where life’s needle swings. If it swings up, we have expansive feelings, we are on track, if it swings down, and we access scary sensations that mean we need to re-evaluate something in our lives.

Zen is passionate about her work, which is training people how to use IGS to enhance their lives. She has worked with thousands and seen much success. She tells us most negative life situations are to do with belief systems. If you start to think positive, obstacles resolve on their own and you will have far more fun too! In fact Zen says it is really great to explore our lives and enjoy ourselves to the full and this occurs when we are making good decisions. When we have more confidence in ourselves, we create more successful and loving connections.

A Medium Physic will tell us, like Zen, that ours is a special journey, yet when life does not seem unique, but clamped down and fearful, we need to integrate, reassess and examine our belief systems. But as we do, as we tune into our inner guidance and realise that our own intuitive resources can be accessed naturally, even utilised to enhance our perceptions and help others and ourselves, “life becomes a beach!”

We could do this by connecting to our inner truth, our inner compass, the very “heart of the matter”. Perhaps it is the only way!