Tarrot Card Reader

34814773redmusicAlbert Einstein

Albert Einstein once said, “If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician. I often think in music. Live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music!”


Music’s sublime notes are the basis of life. There is the natural music of nature, the sounds of wind and rain, the rustling of grass and the roar of the ocean. Every note, every melody we hear is composed of multidimensional energy waves that flow through our ears into our brains, conditioning our mood. Music gives meaning to our lives. We will always remember that favourite played at our wedding or the song in the background when we first kissed our soul mate.

As you sob shamelessly to the sound of Celine Dion have you thought you could be actually tuning into your spirit and soul? “Umm” you might reply, but your tarrot card reader would nod happily and point out “The World” Arcane card, which is all about expanding consciousness, contains the magic of music in its symbology! The world encapsulates “everything” and within that everything is music!

But can music really transform your life? The answer a tarrot card reader would give you is “Yes”. In fact, she or he would cheer on those soft lullabies, great arias, concertos and love songs because they know that you can access inner peace to the sound of music. In fact sometimes a tarot card reader will play the softest music in the background when she reads for a client on line.

Nervous Disorders

Healers, health professionals and psychotherapists have been treating nervous disorders and psychological imbalances with the power of music for many years. Even back in the 17th century Robert Burton wrote a treatise on how music and dance helps those suffering from depression. Nowadays doctors use music therapy for stroke victims.

The 60’s

In the sixties, psychologists wanted to explore the nature of human consciousness, so they experimented on themselves, by combining the transcendental compositions of Bach with LSD drugs. In these “altered” states they came into contact with light beings and even accessed evolved spiritual knowledge.

From a metaphysical point of view music encourages meditative and contemplative states and your tarrot card reader often accompanies her own meditative moments to the sound of music. She knows that music helps to stay centred and concentrated on the sublime and helps de-stress and relax the physical body.

As Calen Rayne states in his treatise “Music of What Happens”

“Sound waves never entirely disappear and in these waves is imbedded information that can bring new meaning to our lives in this present moment.

In the words of Hafiz:

I am”

A hole in a flute

That the Christ’s breath moves through-

Listen to this


I am the concert

From the mouth of every creature

Singing with the myriad”