Psychic Knights

36947114knights1Spiritual Warriors

Psychic Knights could be another name for spiritual warriors, in other words the brave amongst us, those willing to fight for truth, simplicity and love, those willing to take on board their fractured souls and seek to heal them.

Psychic Knights know they have incarnated on this planet to set their karma to rights and they are aware they are on a mission, which is to empower their spirits, and strengthen their inner cores. The word “fear” disappears from their agenda, as they can carry out their karmic tasks, often attaining enlightenment in that process.

Psychic knights have the courage to face their own illusions, to reach out for inner balance and never believe what others tell them. Theirs is a total denial of victimhood; they take full responsibility, for they know that whatever happens is due to their own choice, never to another’s actions.

Fictional Spiritual Warriors

From a purely fictional perspective, prime examples of Psychic Knights could be the Star Wars Jedi, as they battle the “dark side” with the “The Force” on their side. “The Force” in Star Wars could be compared to the Higher Self, the part of us that aspires to peace and goodness.

Superman is another fictional spiritual warrior worthy to join the ranks of the Psychic Knights. Superman morphed into Christopher Reeves, the paralyzed hero and movie star who fought against his tragic condition till the end of his days. Psychic Knights clearly are not warriors, in the conservative sense, rather they battle evil in order to forgive, they stand up to hate to accentuate love and they serve others by giving of themselves.

The Knights of the Round Table

The Knights of the Round Table were the archetypal Psychic Knights; their allegiance was to the Holy Grail and the defence of women and the weak. Shakamunbi Buddha was an ultimate Psychic Knight, for he was a prince in a war dominated land and he walked away from his kingly rights, his palace and his power to understand the suffering of old age, illness and death. He left everything that was familiar to him, including human love, and sexual fulfilment to dedicate his life to compassion.

Modern Day Psychic Knights

But who are the modern day Psychic Knights?? They are obviously the brave and good amongst us, the calm, the quiet and the tranquil. They could be the firemen who walked into the Twin Towers to save lives without thinking of their own. They are the Mother Teresa’s, Desmond Tutus, Nelson Mandela’s, Martin Luther King’s, and the Oprah Winfrey’s all examples of the very best of humankind, all folks who overcame the most difficult of circumstances to become great. One only has to ponder on Oprah Winfrey’s childhood rape and poverty to realize how far she has come!

But we too can morph into Psychic Knights each time we reach out with compassion and humility to another. Each time we give of ourselves with no regard for return, each time we stand up for the oppressed and the minorities. Each time we remain fearless in the face of death to fulfil our responsibilities. The Psychic Knights, the Supermen and women, the Spiritual Warriors are far more than we know. They work silently behind the scenes. They are the school kids standing up to the bullies. The street kids standing up to the drug merchants and arms dealers. They are the devoted mothers, the hard working dads, the school cooks, the teachers, the cops, the nurses and the businessmen who assign jobs to save others from debt. You could be sitting next to one right now and you don’t even know it!