Love This Year

88635694searchingSearching for The One

Let’s face it – almost every woman wants her bloke to be like the guy in the following anonymous quote.

Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep. wait for the boy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats, who holds your hand in front of his friends, who thinks you’re just as pretty without makeup on. One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have YOU. The one who turns to his friends and says – that’s her.

The fact is most ladies are seeking this type of true love-type passion, but love this year has been zilch so far. In fact, many an on line psychic is familiar with this following refrain:

I am looking for my soul mate, I am depressed. Love this year has proved disappointing. I have tried simply everything. Prayer and creative visualization, blind dates and online texting, but I have lost all hope of ever finding the soul mate I yearn for. I might as well forget love this year, or any year actually!

Lack of love makes us sad, empty and nervous. We are also emotionally insecure, so much so we are not far off from calling Dr Ruth. Yet why is it so hard to find love? Are we totally non-focused? Do we have so many hang ups we never get to the point of finding love this year because we want what we cannot have? You know, like our best friend’s boyfriend, our gorgeous gay mate, or the sexy married man? Do not despair help is coming in the form of Love Reiki.

Usui Reiki

Usui Reiki is the mainstream version and it uses sacred symbols to heal emotional and physical problems. However, Love Reiki concentrates on uniting us with true love. In fact, Love Reiki releases a flood of romantic feelings and opportunities to meet soul mates. The Love Reiki training teaches us a sacred symbol of sensual, physical and mystical love and then helps us manifest it in our lives. Love Reiki takes into account the importance of Twin Flames and Soul Mates also.

Twin Flames

Twin Flames: The mythology about twin flames goes back to the beginning of time. The perception is that our soul was joined with another’s, forming an embryonic form similar to the Yin and Yang symbol, or the “two in one”. When the Creator manifested the material universe, we separated from that flame we were once conjoined with, but our destiny is to search for them forever. When we meet a twin flame in this life, it is a painful experience. That yearning to reunite is intense. It is rare Twin Flames marry unless they agree to help humanity and rise in spiritual consciousness. Examples of twin flames are Romeo and Juliet, Marilyn Monroe and John Kennedy, Lancelot and Guinevere, Anthony and Cleopatra, all folks who changed perceptions of our culture or history because of their twin flame connection.

Soul mates can be varied and less intense. We are lucky if we are born into a family of soul mates, if we are, we will probably get on with our relatives, an achievement in of itself. Our soul mate mirrors our positive characteristics and we usually travel down life’s road together, in a positive sense. The soul mate romance is long lasting and inspired. We just feel we “know” each other from the start and that mighty sexual attraction is the cream on the cake! Famous soul mates are Mickey and Minnie Mouse, David Bowie and Iman, Warren Beatty and Annette Benning, Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgewick or Bill and Hilary Clinton.

To identify a Twin Flame from a Soul Mate we need to be aware that a Twin Flame connection can be full of contradictions, doubts and fears. Whereas a Soul Mate connection runs a tad more smoothly. We can ask an empath to carry guide us to identifying whether the guy we just met is soul mate material or not, but in the final analysis what we really need is a strong faith in one thing and one thing only, true love!