37698632headlightLet us list a few issues that a psychic psychic might enjoy plugging into when you call her on line. Well, a very psychic psychic might tune into ghosts, poltergeists, UFOs, aliens, angels and enlightened beings. They could tune into your future, your past, your thoughts and sometimes even your secrets, the ones you prefer nobody to know. A psychic psychic might additionally have been called on to explain monsters, big red eyes, big red foots and even such things as 30 starched shirts nailed to a tree on the top of a mountain in the middle of nowhere!

Mark Moran and Mark Sceurman

The fact is that when Mark Moran and Mark Sceurman, who have written books called “Weird US” and “Weird New Jersey”, were interviewed on Coast to Coast radio by the friendly George Nooray, they reported on various “bits and bobs” that would have a psychic psychic in her element!

George Nooray

They told the amused George that all they want is to “report” on the weird and wonderful and do not expect the general public in America, or anywhere else for that matter, to believe in what they say. They enjoy the myths and like it when they find evidence of hauntings. They pay little attention to those Sceptics Society dudes who would throw their hands up in horror if they heard a tale about a UFO seen burning holes into an icy reservoir! The two Marks obviously enjoy the stories that they are told and realise that most people believe what they see. In fact, they say they can tell a lie from the truth by the expression in an individual’s eyes when they report on the latest UFO sighting. It is usually one of sincere shock and surprise.

UFO Sightings

Some of the 1950s UFO sightings, which they wrote about in their book Weird USA, included the famous “night of mayhem”, when NYPD cop cars sped after a UFO over New York and when a rather wonky UFO was seen wobbling over the mountainous area of New Jersey. The two Marks love to go back and research weird history and certainly do not strike anything off their list of anomalies. The old descriptions of weather balloons and Chinese lanterns just do not wash with most folks when they have a UFO experience. They believe what they see and they could, as a psychic psychic might say, be zipping in and out of multi faceted universes.

Other super weird incidents in New Jersey included the 1975 sighting of eleven aliens touching their UFO down in a park, descending a ladder and taking soil samples! Okay, this might sound like a psychotic incident, but the aliens were seen by more than one person. So two psychotics may be! The fact is we could all be living in a creeped-out world that a psychic psychic might categorise as an altered universe or even a sudden spiritual revelation that goes beyond our education or social conditioning.

Perhaps we need to leave our mind open to the various interpretations of reality. The two Marks have dedicated their lives to breaking thru the mysteries and if we want more in-depth answers perhaps we could consider reading one of their books and definitely chatting to a psychic psychic who will have us on our toes when it comes to “all things metaphysical!”