Numerology Calculator

63559869calculatorfingerInterestingly, numerology calculator issues are to do with adding up numbers, and working out what they mean, and you don’t even have to be a maths genius to do it. For example a numerology calculator could make mince meat out of Tom Cruise’s character. Let us explain.

Tom Cruise

Tom was born on July 3 1962, a bouncy, fresh faced, happy baby. So now we add up Tom’s full dates of birth which are 7 plus 3 plus 1 plus 9 plus 6 plus 2 which equals 28.

We then add up 2 plus 8 which equals 10.

We then add up 1 plus 0 which equals one.

You will probably be wondering what all that means! But we assure you the numerology calculator never fails! That One Number has great meaning in numerology. Number One is just like Tom, a self obsessed, manic star, with a strong inclination to jump on Oprah Winfrey’s couch and do daft things like divorcing Nicole Kidman. We do but joke, but it has to be said that Tom radiates something very special. That special something is the star quality of Number One!

The numerology calculator also adds up our attitude as human beings, but in this case we only add the month and the day. Doing this calculation for Tom, it emerges that the month and the day also work out as number one for our Tom, in Tom’s case seven and three. Therefore our Tom is totally “right on” with his life path, and is bound to hit the jackpot, as his personal contradictions are few.


Take his scientology belief, which he has been severely rebuked for. The off shoot is he even got a line in Entertainment Weekly when he stated that psychiatry “is a Nazi science” and Sigmund Freud turned in his grave. Sigmund was a Jew and with the help of international pressure fled the Nazi persecutions.

Tom believes in Scientology without question. His lack of true self questioning will keep him on that path, and far away from the analyst’s couch. It is now rumoured that he is virtually the “number one head boy” of the US Scientology movement.


Trying to understand our life with a numerology calculator is an intriguing exercise. But some numerologists also insert into their numerology calculator’ analysis, astro aspects, and a touch of Spirit guidance. This “system” can work out as a powerful way of sussing out the inner workings of an individual’s heart, soul and destiny. Their personality and spirit can be looked at numerologically, and their contradictions noted astrologically. This system could be a right on method for working out an individual’s future, and become even more accurate when combined with spiritual guidance.

For instance a spiritual, numerological and astro take would show that fabulous Cancer sign Tom wants to live high on the hog. Tom’s need for riches would have encouraged his wives to go on absurdly OTT shopping sprees. Tom would get very, very upset if you usurped his generosity, and could kick up quite a storm when the super credit card bill crashes through the front door. Lovely Katie Holmes beware!

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes

But overall Tom and Katie are not soul mates even though Tom’s Venus conjuncts Katie’s ascendant which makes their physical attraction in the dynamite department. Certain “issues” could come up for them both. The kind of patterns that need patience and maturity to sort out. The result could be that Tom could find himself beset with emotional challenges when it comes to his relationship with Katie. And if Katie so much as shows attention for another man, you will find Tom gripped to his front room chandelier, laughing madly, as he swings around the ceiling.

The Numerology calculator can give us an understanding of the power of numbers on the human character, but if we dig just a little deeper we might find that Tom Cruise although charming, talented and sexy, still does have a bit of that “old love karma” and inner searching to do when it comes to sorting out his life path, number one or not!